Jennifer (xxflyingsoulxx) wrote in thequestionclub,

Sad at night; Seattle

1. I have generalized anxiety but I am on antidepressants (Cymbalta) and I have gotten massively better since I have began taking them a year ago. My hormonal birth control has also seemed to help my anxiety, and now I don't have this terrible one week before my period where I just feel so depressed and lose my shit for 7 days. However, at nights, I am so sensitive, like a child. I cry over almost nothing, like accidentally losing something I just wrote, or my boyfriend making a bad joke. I get anxious over irrational things, like I used to do all the time before I started my medication, and I get frustrated easier. What is wrong with me at night? Why do I cry so easily? I consider myself pretty happy, but I cry 2 or three times a week at night, and it makes me think that maybe I am secretly miserable.
How do I stop crying and control my feelings in a more mature way??

TL/DR: How many times do you cry per week? Per month?

2. I am moving to Seattle in September, but now I am living in Australia and can't go to the city until a week before my graduate school classes start. Have you ever booked an apartment without first seeing it? Any advice on picking a place by simply looking at pictures over the internet and talking to relators? For those of you who live/have lived in Seattle, how bad are the rain/cloudy skies, really? I am kind of worried the greyness will make me really gloomy.

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